Tuesday 16 August 2011

The Sergeant Major

Now look here, you!
Uh-oh, I’m in trouble.
It’s just not good enough, you know.
Yes, I know.
First you said you forgot to get to the library on time.
Yes, I know.
When actually, you forgot about it altogether, didn’t you?
I suppose so, but I was on holiday.
That’s no excuse.
Yes, I know.
So what’s your excuse for last night, then?
You mean you don’t even have an excuse?
Other than having a headache, no.
A headache?  Don’t be such a girl.
But I am a girl.
No you’re not.
Really?  Cos the last time I checked, I could have sworn…
You’re not a girl, you’re a writer.
Oh, I see.  And writers don’t get headaches?
Of course they do, and then they take pills to cure their headaches.
I took pills, quite a few in fact.
Well all right then!  Still didn’t write your blog last night, did you?
No, I kinda spaced out there for a while, dozed on and off.
How many painkillers did you take?
I dunno.  One of each?
Geez louise, no wonder you were on another planet!
It would seem so.  I was even getting random text messages from the twilight zone.
Are there any other kind?
From the twilight zone?  Probably not.
No.  It’s still no excuse, though.
I wasn’t anticipating being a space cadet!
That’s true, but it pays to plan ahead.
I will endeavour to do better.
So, every week without fail then?
Yes, sir.
No excuses?
No, sir.
Are we clear?
Three bags …  I mean, crystal clear, sir!
What was that?
Random message from the twilight zone?
Something to do with ‘bags’ I think!
Hmm.  Don’t forget your deadlines, recruit.
No, sir.
Diligence, determination, discipline.
Yes, sir.
Many get called, few get chosen.
Yes, Mr Updike, sir.
Good girl.

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